Plugins are standard OFBiz components that reside in the specialpurpose directory. Plugins can be added manually or fetched from a maven repository. The standard tasks for create new plugin is giving below. To Create a new plugin. The following project parameters are passed: - pluginId : mandatory - pluginResourceName : optional, default is the Capitalized value of pluginId - webappName : optional, default is the value of pluginId - basePermission : optional, default is the UPPERCASE value of pluginId Enter following command below to create component/plugin, ./gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId= myplugin or ./gradlew createPlugin -PpluginId= myplugin -PpluginResourceName= MyPlugin -PwebappName= mypluginweb -PbasePermission= MYPLUGIN` The above commands achieve the following: - create a new plugin in /specialpurpose/myplugin - add the plugin to /specialpurpose/component-load.xml Once the component is created, you should load its data (required to grant access rights to t...
1. Go to portal home ( cd portal_home_directory/ ) 2. Go to server directory ( cd server_directory/bin/ ) 3. Start server ( ./ start ) 4. If see log ( tail -f ../logs/catalina.out ) Wait until server is satrted ... Once portal server successfully started then it will automatically open the browser and we have to complete the basic configuration page. Once portal is started then you can see the message in server console says that sever started and minutes the took to start server. If portal automatically not open in the browser then use following local host to see portal page. The default port of tomcat server is 8080 http://localhost:8080/ When the first time portal is started then we have to complete the basic configuration steps and its only one time. Basic configuration page If you would like to change the details like portal name , first name, last name and email you can fill in the form otherwise we can go with default populated details in th...